Your stay in Saint-Malo > Useful informationsThe surrounding area Intra-muros, the old town : Saint-Malo's historic center is brimming with history, secret alleyways and lively shops. The Corsair city is also surrounded by ramparts from which you can enjoy views of the surrounding islands. Bars and restaurants :
Le Sillon Two kilometers of seawall run along the Grande plage, the Plage du Sillon and the Plage de Rochebonne, linking Intra-muros to the Paramé district. Walking along it, you can admire Intra-muros, the Pointe de la Varde and some of the finest villas in Saint-Malo. Bars and restaurants :
Solidor Just a 30-minute walk from the Palais du Grand Large, in the middle of the Saint-Servan district and at the mouth of the Rance River, stands the Solidor Tower, one of Saint-Malo's most emblematic monuments, giving this lively neighborhood a postcard-perfect backdrop. Bars and restaurants :
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